disco smashs the system

Dienstag, 29. Mai 2007

death of Bill Pisarri (Flying Luttenbachers) :(((

traurige nachricht kam vorgestern abend herein. Die mail von Mark Fisher (Skin Graft) grossteils im Original:

" ...*...Our Friend Bill Pisarri...*

*Hi Everyone, *

*This is Mark writing. This is the most horrible news update I've ever had
to write. Bill Pisarri, best known to you guys as the bass player of The
Flying Luttenbachers on the "Revenge" and "Gods Of Chaos" albums, has passed away. He died of a heart attack. *

*This has come as a shock to everyone that knew him. I'm struggling to wrap my head around this... but I want share with you what Bill meant to me...and I think it's indicative if what he meant to so many others. *

*Bill was a genuine friend and an inspiration. He was full of energy and
ideas - a remarkably talented artist, musician, filmmaker and performer -
who was always extremely generous with his time. His involvement in Skin Graft was significant and went way beyond the role of a typical member in a typical band on a typical record label. His work in the Flying Luttenbachers has been well documented, and as much as I love what Weasel has done (and continues to do) with the various incarnations of the band - the Trio with Weasel, Chuck and Bill will always be my favorite. *

*Bill was a great graphic artist - in the fine art sense. His artwork on the
Gods Of Chaos CD set a high water mark for albums designed on this or any other record label. The fold out front cover was a huge, incredible cut and paste collage with only the gentlest of retouching in Photoshop. Up close and personal, it was a real sight to see.*

*T**here was a time in the mid-to-late 90's where Bill played a big part in
the construction of the artwork for many Skin Graft releases. At the time, I
didn't have a computer set up that could handle designing albums in-house, but Bill and his roommate Colm did. Bill designed Colossamite's Economy of Motion LP, and assisted me in assembling many others, including the original pressing of Ruins "Refusal Fossil", You Fantastic! "Homesickness", and the Camp Skin Graft "Now Wave" compilation, which also featured an incredibly cool track by Bill's solo project ZZZZZ. *

*I spent many, many days and nights at Bill's apartment working on cover art with him during this period, And all throughout our "work" we would goof off and talk about our favorite topics. With Bill there was never an uncomfortable silence because there was always so much to talk about - everything from obscure comic artists to even more obscure musicians, "art" - was always a favorite topic - and movies, everything from Japanese Monster mashes to French New Wave Cinema.*

*Even more unknown to most is Bill's work on the Skin Graft Oops indoors shows. Bill was a key player in our Oops Theater Group, which would perform all kinds of theatrical bits and stunts throughout an evening of bands. He played lots of different roles over the years and was a big participant in generating the ideas behind the skits. He also created the costumes for the two "Mighty Fucking Robots" - I still have the cardboard heads of each with me here. One night Bill dressed up as "Grampa", set up in a corner of the now defunct club Lounge Ax, and berated attendees to sit and have their portrait drawn. When Grampa would finally corral a willing customer, the portrait was always unflattering to the subject, but even moreso to Grampa. Grampa was up there in years and he couldn't see very well. His hand was shaky and the portraits would never come out quite as Grampa had planned. He
played the character perfectly. *

*But as much as I loved the character of Grampa, my favorite Bill Pisarri
creation was his "Swami". The Swami played a pivotal role in an entire
series of Oops theater sketches performed in various cities. The scenario involved a character called Pete Panty Monster and Pete's inner struggle to rise above his addictions - with guidance provided by the Swami and Straight-Edge Santa. Rather than go into detail on the story, I think it's enough to say that Bill's Swami was hilarious. No matter how tightly we plotted the storyline, when performing the stuff live, the actors would always have to deal with the unexpected. Bill would often have to improvise his way through difficult situations and no matter what happend, he'd never break character. He'd somehow find a way to make it a memorable moment. *

*After awhile, we retired the Oops Theater Group, the Luttenbach**ers trio that Bill was a part of disbanded, and I finally got a computer to handle album layouts on my own. In 2000, I moved away from Chicago and since then have lived between St. Louis and Vienna, so I haven't seen terribly much of Bill in the last few years. But through it all, he remained a part of this label. Bill had been working in advertising and focusing on filmmaking. If through these avenues an opportunity came his way that he thought might benefit Skin Graft, Bill would always take the time to share it with me. He often let me know how proud he was of his association with this label. And that meant the world to me. *

*I last saw Bill about a year ago, when I returned to Chicago for a Skin
Graft art show. Bill came to meet me and brought me a DVD full of his short films and copies of other things he thought I'd appreciate - the 70's Marvel TV production of Dr. Strange, the Sam Raimi/Bruce Campbell Pre-Evil Dead films, and a copy of Stuart Gordon's From Beyond. He had borrowed a stack of Kamandi comic books from me years ago and remembered to return them (all in excellent condition by the way!). Bill was the kind of guy that even if we hadn't spoken in months or seen each other in years - there was never any awkwardness - we'd always pick up right where we left off. *

*After years of "we have to do it" talk, just last month Bill and I spoke
again about buckling down and assembling the old Skin Graft Oops indoors footage with the intention of building a DVD release around it. He was also working on a Flying Luttenbachers documentary, assisting fellow filmmaker Rusty Nails on what promises to be an incredible George Romero documentary, and developing about a dozen of his own films. Every time I spoke with him he was brimming over with projects. Alive, Bill had so much to do and so little time. It seems so unfair that his time was cut short. *

*We're all stunned by this. I'm so sorry for his family - so sorry for his
friends. And I'm so sorry for me. I won't have another chance to share wild and crazy ideas with him. I won't get to work with him again.*

*I miss my friend.*

*I'm fortunate to have known Bill. He's one of the people that really had an impact on my life. I'm fortunate that he was part of the group that huddled around Skin Graft and put so much into it, knowing all along that the financial benefits were slim - the world was just too short on nuts like us to expect much. Now, it's one nut shorter - and the world is all the worse for it. *

*But Bill was here - and I'm grateful he left me with some of himself that I
can share with you.*

*Bye for now, *

*Mark *

Sonntag, 21. Januar 2007



10 Questions with M83 (substancezine.com)

Donnerstag, 31. August 2006

black metal to the people!


austria rules...via youtube.com...ist doch klar...

Freitag, 4. August 2006

Captain Beefheart's Haus zu verkaufen...

capt. beefheart

...fuer $849,900 in Woodland Hills, schaetze das ist in Californien.

Die Sage heisst: 1969 schloss Captain Beefheart sich und seine Band ("his Magic Band") dort fuer 8 Monate ohne Kohle ein, um das legendaere Album "Trout Mask Replica" aufzunehmen. Sie spielten die Stuecke wieder und immer wieder, bis der Captain mit dem Sound zufrieden war...

...typische Mukker-Drogen-Gedöns-Story...

Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2006

25th Anniversary of Touch&Go Festival: Line-Up

aus dem presse-verteiler von triton promotion:

"Liebe Mediengemeinde,

nicht nur in Rom wird gefeiert, sondern auch in Chicago. Das dort ansässige Label Touch And Go schmeißt im September anlässlich des 25jährigen Jubiläums eine dicke Fiesta und man hört mittlerweile Gerüchte, dass das Line-Up zu diesem Festival schon jetzt als
            L E G E N D Ä R
bezeichnet werden darf. Auch uns läuft beim Anblick der Liste das Wasser in Niagarafällen das Kinn runter...absolutes Highlight dürfte die eigens für dieses Event reaktivierte Formation Big Black (Albini, Durango, Pezzati) sein, die bereits in den 80ern für Furore sorgten. Und dabei fehlt noch die 25te Band im Gefüge, deren Nennung noch im Geheimen


1. Touch And Go wird 25

Aus der idealistischen DIY-Spinnerei des jungen Corey Rusk zu Beginn der 80er ist 25 Jahre später eines der einflussreichsten Indie-Labels der USA geworden. Das von ihm im Jahre 1981 gegründete Touch And Go-Label sorgte in jeder Dekade seines Bestehens bei unzähligen Aficionados für eine geile Zeit.


Hier erst mal das UNGLAUBLICHE Line-Up mit der dackelblickmäßigen Bitte, diese in alle Welt zu schrei(b)en!!!!

Touch And Go
25th Anniversary-Festival
8.-10. September 2006
Chicago, USA


25th Anniversary Line-Up for the Touch&Go Festival:

!!! (ChkChkChk)
3 Mile Pilot
The Black Heart Procession
Didjits (Originalbesetzung)
The EX
Girls Against Boys (in Originalbesetzung)
Killdozer (in Originalbesetzung)
Ted Leo + Pharmacists
Man or Astroman? (in Originalbesetzung)
Negative Approach (feat. John Brannon und OP Moore)
The New Year
Scratch Acid (in Originalbesetzung)
The Shipping News

+ einige Songs von Big Black.


link: http://www.tgrec.com
link: http://www.touchandgorecords.de
link: http://www.triton-promotion.de

Montag, 22. Mai 2006

Lordi juhlii perjantaina Kauppatorilla


Lordi-fanit pääsevät tapaamaan suosikkiaan perjantaina, kun Helsingissä järjestetään kansanjuhla viisuvoittajien kunniaksi. Juhla alkaa kello 18 Helsingin Kauppatorilla.

Pääministeri Matti Vanhanen tapasi Lordin jo maanantaina yhtyeen ensimmäisessä Euroviisuvoiton jälkeisessä Suomen-lehdistötilaisuudessa...

...sieht aus wie der, laut Spiegel, biedere Ministerpraesident...man stelle sich Angela vor...

siehe auch http://cookbadugly.twoday.net/stories/2041435/

aus: Helsingin Sanomat

Sonntag, 21. Mai 2006

Hirviöheviyhtye Lordi teki viisuhistoriaa


ATEENA. Suomen euroviisuehdokkaan Lordin ainutlaatuinen noste kantoi parhaimpaan mahdolliseen loppuun asti.

Suuren ennakkohuomion tukemana suomalainen heviyhtye äänestettiin 51. euroviisujen voittajaksi Ateenassa myöhään lauantai-iltana.

Ennen äänestystä tilanne Ateenan Oaka-hallissa näytti vielä huonolta. Lordilla oli illan pahin esiintymisvuoro, heti isäntämaan Kreikan ehdokkaan Anna Vissin jälkeen.

Kaksikymmentätuhatpäinen yleisö oli juuri hyppinyt ja huutanut hurmoksessa, eikä Lordille oikein riittänyt enää innostusta.

Suomi hallitsi kuitenkin pisteidenjakoa alusta asti. Pohjoismainen yhteistyö toimi täydellisesti. Suomi sai täydet 12 pistettä Tanskalta, Ruotsilta, Norjalta ja Islannilta.

Parhaaksi viisuksi Lordia äänestivät lisäksi Viro, Puola, Britannia ja Kreikka. Armenialta, Monacolta ja Albanialta Suomi ei saanut pisteitä.

Lordi päivitteli, miten oudolta tuntuu, kun rock-yhtye voitti ja kun Suomikin vielä voitti.

"Tämä on voitto rock-musiikille ja avomielisyydelle. Monet euroviisu-fanithan kuuluvat vähemmistöön, kuten tiedätte. Lordi on myös vähemmistö, me olemme liian poppia metallifaneille ja liian raskasta popfaneille."

Lordi toivoi, että voitto toisi lisää erilaista musiikkia mukaan euroviisuihin – rockia, metallia ja rappia.

Lordi myös lauloi omalla äänellään Liettuan viisukappaleen kertosäettä We are the winners of Eurovision ja käkätti päälle.

Rovaniemen kaupunginhallitus ilmoitti ennen euroviisuja, että se päättää kokouksessaan miten yhtyettä kiitetään, jos voitto tulee. Viisuvoitto kuulemma rinnastetaan olympiavoittoon tässä mielessä.

Yleisradion Ilkka Talasranta toivotti tiedotustilaisuudessa kaikki tervetulleiksi Suomeen euroviisuihin 2007.

Euroviisujen finaalin tulokset:

1. Suomi Lordi 292

2. Venäjä Dima Bilan 248

3. Bosnia-Herzegovina Hari Mata Hari 229

4. Romania Mihai Träistarlu 172

5. Ruotsi Carola 170

6. Liettua LT United 162

7. Ukraina Tina Karol 145

8. Armenia André 129

9. Kreikka Anna Vissi 128

10. Irlanti Brian Kennedy 93

11. Turkki A. Sibel Tüzün 91

12. Makedonia Elena Risteska 56

13. Kroatia Severina 56

14. Norja Christine Guldbrandsen 36

15. Saksa Texas Lighting 36

16. Latvia Vocal Group Cosmos 30

17. Sveitsi Six4One 30

18. Tanska Sidsel Ben Semane 26

19. Britannia Daz Sampson 25

20. Moldova Arsenium feat. Natalia Gordienko and Connect-R 22

21. Espanja Las Ketchup 18

22. Ranska Virginie Pouchin 5

23. Israel Eddie Butler 4

24. Malta Fabrizio Faniello 1

aus: Helsingin Sanomat

Freitag, 21. April 2006


teenager bevorzugen vinyl gegenueber cds, meint ein kanadischer
wissenschaftler in seiner dissertation.
links via

so sei es! ...und auf: superpitcher heut abend in der tanzhalle!

Mittwoch, 15. Februar 2006



sehr interessant, diese Tag Chart auf last.fm:

unangefochtener Spitzenreiter: das Tag rock

electronica erst auf Platz 13         :(((( wein....

und ganz ablosen lose-t grindcore ab auf der 100. Oh man...

Dienstag, 3. Januar 2006


the knife home on rabid records

endlich gefunden...

...wie war das noch mal??? hail to sweden? ;)

(layout baustelle)

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